Det er blevet tid til et interview! Denne gang med Adventurous Andrea. Det er efterhånden nogle måneder siden jeg faldt over Andrea på Instagram, hvor hun var au pair i Schweitz. Hendes billeder super hyggelige, og hun er altid på udkig efter nye eventyr. Sidste år afsluttede hun universitetet, rejste rundt i Costa Rica, flyttede til Europa og udforskede NYC, så man må sige der er fart over feltet. Da jeg skrev med hende forleden var Sydamerika umiddelbart den næste destination, men det blev til en uventet tur til Florida imellemtiden, hvor hun pt. nyder solen 🙂
English: It’s time for an interview. This time with Adventurous Andrea! Some time ago a stumbled over Andrea on Instagram At the time she was living in Schwitzerland, but beside living in Europa, she also went backpacking in Costa Rica, explored NYC and graduated from university last year. Busy bee 😉 Can’t wait to see what her next adventure will be!
Hello! My name is Andrea and I strongly believe adventure puts the spice in life. During my final year of university, I decided to forgo my grad-school plans and forge my own path. I didn’t know what it would entail, but I did know it would be quite the adventure!
After graduation, I spent a couple weeks immersing myself in the bountiful nature of Tennessee, before heading back to my home-town in Ohio. Just a week after arriving there, a friend and I were joking around about visiting Central America. Within a matter of days, we had our one-way tickets and were set to convene in Costa Rica. After seventeen blissful days of travel, it was time to return to the states and plan for my Euro-trip.
One month and another one-way ticket later, I was on my way to Switzerland, where I would spend three months living in the city of Lausanne. I had a ticket booked to the non-schengen island of Cyprus, when there was an unexpected illness in the family. I decided it was best to relinquish my Mediterranean winter plans and spend some time with my family. After finding a cheap ticket to NYC, the decision was final. I spent two fantastic weeks in the city, before returning to Ohio. Currently, I’m soaking up time with family and friends here, all the while planning my next adventure.
What springs in mind when you hear the word “adventure”?
Who is your favorite adventure-partner? Why?
Up until this point, my favorite short-term adventure partners have just been the people I’ve met along the way. Whether it was cliff jumping in Tennessee, paddle board surfing in Costa Rica, exploring little villages in Austria, drinking a beer in a German pubs, or spending the weekend at a vineyard in Switzerland, the people are what made these experiences so memorable.
Where does your “adventurouness” come from? Did your parents seek adventure like you do?
What is your biggest adventure in life so far?
Where would you like to go for an adventure right now?
As it is, my near future is looking like either Latin America or Hawaii! Currently, I’m searching for opportunities in both destinations and am looking forward to this next adventure.
Thank you so much for your time, Andrea! We’re looking forward to see what your next adventure will be 😀
4 kommentarer
Er lige kommet forbi jeres blog og er ret så begejstret! 🙂 Synes det er så få blogs her i Danmark, som fokusere på det at rejse og opleve, så jeres blog er et dejligt frisk pust for mig. Har ikke engang fået læst indlægget endnu – men vil straks gå i gang med at bladre jeres indlæg igennem.
Ha’ en herlig torsdag!
Kh. Michelle
Ej tusind tak, Michelle! Det er vi virkelig glade for at høre (nu sidder vi begge og smiler på vores dejlige fri-torsdag!) 😀 Jeg håber du kan li’ hvad du læser! Tusind, tusind tak for en dejlig kommentar!
Du må også ha’ en rigtig dejlig torsdag 🙂
Thanks for sharing, Laura and Anders! I appreciate both of your adventurous spirits. 🙂
You’re welcome! And thank you for sharing, Andrea 🙂 We wish you all the best with your future travels and adventures! We’re looking forward to following you.